Repainting Tips For Your Commercial Owned Property in Peoria, AZ

Repainting Tips For Your Commercial Owned Property in Peoria, AZ

Repainting your commercial property can have a significant impact on your business.

A fresh coat of paint can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your property, attract new customers, and make your business stand out from the competition.

However, repainting a commercial property is not a small task, and it requires careful planning and execution to ensure that the job is done the right way. 

So, if you are currently planning to undertake a repainting project for your commercial property, here’s something you’ll find useful. 

Let us look at these Repainting Tips For Your Commercial Owned Property.

1. Choose The Right Paint Color

The important first step in repainting your commercial property is to choose the right paint color.

Essentially, your color choice should reflect the nature of your business, and it should also appeal to your target customers.

For instance, if you own a restaurant, warm, inviting colors such as red, orange, or yellow may be appropriate; or if you own a more formal establishment such as a medical clinic, muted and calming colors such as blue, green, or grey may be more appropriate.

Additionally, your color choice should complement your perceived brand colors, if there are any, for an overall cohesive and tied-up appeal. 

2. Do Proper Surface Preparation

In almost any residential painting, proper surface preparation will always be an important process to take, which will take the same effect and role as you undertake a commercial painting project.

Doing proper surface preparation will entail you to clean the surface you’re going to be painting, so the surface should be clean, dry, and free of any contaminants such as dirt, dust, grease, or mud.

Additionally, inspecting the surface you’re going to be painting for any type of damage is also necessary, so things such as loose paint or rust should be removed, and any cracks or holes should be filled.

Proper surface preparation is important to any painting project that you might undertake since it essentially prepares your surface for a fresh coat of paint, making sure that you have a clean, smooth, and overall seamless paint finish.

3. Ensure To Use The Right Paint

Another important factor to consider in repainting your commercial-owned property would be to ensure to use the right kind of paint.

Deciding on the kind of paint you will need to acquire for your painting project will depend on the kind of surface you are painting, the location of your property, and the type of finish you desire.

For instance, if your property is located in an area that is prone to extreme weather conditions, you may want to choose a paint that is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions.

Ensuring that you acquire the right kind of paint for your commercial painting project is important since you want to end up with a paint formula properly appropriate for your commercial property, which essentially ensures that you get the best results for your project and that your coat of paint will be more durable and built to last for a longer time. 

4. Plan For A Downtime

In repainting your commercial property, you will need to plan a downtime period.

Since you are going to be repainting your commercial property, you will need to close your business temporarily to allow for the project to commence, or you may need to move your business to a temporary location.

It’s important to schedule for this downtime ahead of time so you can have the time to communicate with your customers and employees about the temporary closure.

Additionally, you should also think about the impact this downtime will have on your business operations, so you can make informed decisions and plan accordingly.

5. Consider Hiring A Professional

Lastly, in repainting your commercial-owned property, you should consider hiring a professional.

Repainting a commercial property is not a DIY job – it would require specialized skills, tools, and equipment that a professional painting contractor can conveniently provide.

While you can opt to repaint your property all on your own, it would take twice the amount of effort and risk the chance of doubling your expense, on the off chance that you happen to fail on your first attempt – which would be a huge inconvenience for your business operations.

It would be in your best interests, personally and business-wise, to consider hiring a paint professional – so think about this properly!


If you are in Arizona and need a painter or painting contractor you can trust, contact Prime Painting at 602-902-1584 for a FREE Estimate today! Or book online!

Our team has over 380 5-Star Reviews!

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